Images of Women in American Film Pt. 2 (1960-Present)
Instructor Marilyn Berman
Course Number PRDV 70317
Part 1 of the Women in Film course is not a prerequisite to Part 2
In this course we will explore how the Hollywood Moguls shaped our views of women and womanhood. We will explore how accurately, or inaccurately, women and their lives were portrayed to the masses. In the first part of this course, films of the 30's, 40's, and 50's were examined. In this course, we will use the lenses of history, law, psychology, and sociology to study and analyze how well the films of the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's communicated the roles and the realities of women in the U.S.
Location: Onsite, Stoughton High School
Framingham State University - 3 Graduate Credits
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