Handwriting Enrichment and Implementation
Instructor Eileen Page
Course Number PRDV 76516
Why do we write the way we do? Why does writing change? What is the effect of drugs and alcohol on handwriting? How can illegible handwriting improve without stress? What are some of the nonverbal messages sent by the handwritten word? Why does someone write anonymous and harassing notes and bomb threats? This course will address these questions and many other contemporary concerns connected to the field of handwriting as an art form and as a projective technique. Selected topics of discussion will include identifying energy levels, learning processes, concentration, dysgraphia and other writing problems. Since handwriting is a neuromuscular activity originating in the brain and most class work is still done using pen and pencil. This course is applicable to all subjects and grade levels inclusive of nurses, teachers of ELL learner, special education, physical education, applied sciences, art, music and vocational areas.
$30.00 Supply fee due at first class, payable to instructor.
Location: Onsite, Braintree, High School
Dates: Tuesdays, First Class is January 30, 2018
Time: 3:45 pm - 7:15 pm
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