Understanding and Teaching Students with Neurological Disorders
Instructor Meg Kennedy
Course Number PRDV 79725
This course provides information and tools, essential for all school personnel, to create a supportive environment to successfully teach children and adolescents with co-occurring neurological and emotionally based disorders. Current estimates indicate that 20% of school-aged children, K-12, have one or more neurological conditions, and of these, most have multiple diagnoses. The course will cover 5 areas: 1.) the foundations necessary for academic and social success 2.) Awareness, impact, and classroom strategies to target neurological and emotional disorders 3.) Awareness, impact, and classroom strategies to target academic issues related to these disorders 4.) Behaviors linked to these disorders and assessment and management strategies for the classroom 5.) School-based services, parent communication, and possible socially related issues. Through class discussion, reflection, readings, and assignments, students will examine the impact of neurological and emotional disorders on learning in America.
Texts listed below are required for this course.
Required Text to be Purchased:
Location: Online
Framingham State University - 3 graduate credits
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